Vermicular | Sautéed Cauliflower

Sautéed Cauliflower

Tailored for: Vermicular Frying Pan 20cm
Oven-Safe Skillet 20cm
Cooking Time
6 min

¼ head cauliflower, cut into small florets
1 pinch kosher salt
2 teaspoons vegetable oil

  1. Preheat the pan over medium-high heat for about 90 seconds. Add in oil and swirl to coat evenly. Allow smoke to rise from the entire surface of the pan, then turn off heat.

  2. Once smoke clears, add cauliflower into the pan, cut-side down. Cover and sauté over low heat for about 3 minutes.

  3. Flip cauliflower and sprinkle salt. Sauté for an additional 3 minutes, covered, and serve.

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