Vermicular | Brown Rice

Brown Rice

Tailored for: Oven Pot 2.0
Cooking Time
52 min

3 rice cups (540 ml) plain brown rice
567 ml cold water (1.05 cups water to 1 cup rice)

  1. Pour rice into a fine-mesh strainer set over a large bowl and rinse until the water runs clear. Drain well. Transfer the rice into the pot and add the measured amount of clean water. Cover and let soak for at least 6 hours.

  2. Cook over medium heat and bring to a boil, about 7 minutes, or until steam starts escaping vigorously from under the lid. Reduce to very low heat and simmer for 30 minutes, then turn off the heat. Let the rice steam, covered, in residual heat for 15 minutes.

  3. Loosen the cooked rice by cutting the rice into quarters and folding each quarter using a rice spatula before serving.

  1. Freezing is the best way to store leftover rice without deteriorating its flavor and texture. Wrap the leftover rice in microwave-safe plastic wrap while it is still warm to prevent moisture loss. The flavor will continue to deteriorate even if wrapped, so be sure to freeze as soon as it cools.

  2. When ready to eat, defrost the frozen rice in a microwave for about 2–3 minutes, keeping the wrap on during defrosting. A steamer can also be used for defrosting.

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